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diagonal-stripes: linear-gradient( transparent 0 ) īackground-image: url(" 946941041871847454 / 948708262881144842 /Fandom_Banner2. English Dress Tab Edit For the filter in Don't Starve Together, see Clothing Filter, Winter Items Filter, Summer Items Filter and Rain Gear Filter. It is very similar to Tabview, however, it does not take the information from other pages and templates. gradient-header: linear-gradient(to top , There are many templates in use in Tab Wiki these are only a subset, representing some of the most important and commonly used ones. Introduction Tabber is a function on FANDOM that allows you to put information in multiple or just one tab (s). rating-module-button-credit-color: 195, 109, 47 rating-module-button-cancel-color: 195, 109, 47 Further, several variations were made, including a number of fruit-flavored, root beer, and ginger ale versions. Coca-Colas first diet drink, Tab was notably popular throughout the 1960s and 1970s. rating-module-button-negative-color: 195, 109, 47 Tab (stylized as TaB) is a diet cola soft drink created and produced by The Coca-Cola Company, introduced in 1963. swatch-topmenu-bg-color: var(-darker-legacy-accent) swatch-topmenu-border-color: var(-darker-legacy-accent) mono-font: 'Fantasque Sans Mono', monospace header-subtitle: "This place feels so familiar." In the Hamlet DLC, both Machetes and Luxury Machetes are also available, alongside Shears.Url ( https :// / local-code / component %3 Atheme url ( https :// / local-code / component %3 Apatch url (' https :// / css2 ? family = Audiowide & family = Graduate & family = JetBrains + Mono :wght & display = swap url (' https :// / css2 ? family = Rubik :wght & display = swap ') In the Shipwrecked DLC, the player can craft Machetes and Luxury Machetes in the Tools Tab. Up-to-date with version The tabs bar, also sometimes called the toolbar, is shown just below the caption bar by default, but can also be moved into the caption bar. In all DLCs, the Hammer is craftable right from the start of the game and requires Cut Grass instead of Rope. The Luxury Axe, Regal Shovel, and Opulent Pickaxe are special versions which have 4 times greater durability than their normal counterparts.


Luxury Axes, Regal Shovels and Opulent Pickaxes, as well as all Items required to domesticate and ride Beefalo, are prototyped from the Alchemy Engine.Īll tools have durability (except the Razor) which determines how many times they may be used before breaking. 1 How to add an infobox to an article 2 How to create an infobox 2.1 Hiding values 3 How to alter the infobox layout 3.1 Layout options 3.2 Custom theming 3.3 Accent colors 3.4 Per-item styling 4 How to use multiple images or videos 5 How to group data 5.1 Grouping information inside the group tags 5.

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The Shovel, Hammer, Pitchfork, Razor and the Feather Pencil are prototyped from the Science Machine. The Axe and the Pickaxe are available from Day 1 while the others must first be prototyped with a Science Machine. The Tools Tab with the crossed Axe and Pickaxe icon on the left-hand side of the screen lists which Tools can currently be crafted.

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Most Tools can also be used as weapons during the first few days before better ones are obtained. Tools are equipped in the hand slot (except the razor) and are used to perform actions that cannot be done by hand (such as Mining with the Pickaxe), and some multitask. The Axe is often the first Tool to be made, which allows Trees to be chopped down for Logs. They are used to harvest new types of resources which cannot otherwise be obtained. Tools are some of the first Items that can be Crafted.

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